Greetings from Lapid Judaism
Shalom and welcome to the website of Lapid Judaism! We are so delighted and grateful that you have taken the time to explore our amazing community. We are a vibrant Jewish community centered on Yeshua the Messiah, made up of people just like you, who have passion for G-d, Yeshua and an authentic lifestyle of faith. Many who find their way to Lapid Judaism often times come from the Christian, Messianic or Hebrew roots congregations and are those looking for much deeper teaching, a spiritual walk that is more authentic to that of the Messiah or those who just sense that "something" is missing from their faith. If that is you, then this is the perfect fit! Our heart yearns for a revival of the original faith of Messiah and we seek to live as the Messiah truly lived!
Please join us for a Sabbath service. We would love to have you as our honored guest.
Blessings and Shalom!